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This page was created during the COVID-19 shutdown as a resource for Holt/Geleoc Lab members to share their work-from-home projects.  These projects represent our outside activities and hobbies, not necessarily science related.  We hope you enjoy.

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Copa America Final, 2024 : At the Auditory Systems Gordon Conference, we had the exciting opportunity to watch the Copa Final, Argentina vs Columbia, with friends and colleagues from both countries.  Congrats to Argentina!... again.   


Jeff Holt – World Cup Soccer : I had the pleasure of visiting Argentina in September, 2022 for a conference.  At the end of my presentation at the University of Buenos Aires, I wished Argentina well in the World Cup.  The crowd erupted with thunderous applause, far more than for the science I presented.  I am so happy to have been able to visit Buenos Aires and so happy for all my friends in Argentina!  Congrats to Lionel Messi, Argentina and their supporters around the world! 

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2022 BCH Staff Art Show - Most Impactful Award
Jeff Holt:  This composite image shows the different phases of a total solar eclipse.  From this perspective, looking to the west from Bella Vista, Argentina, the moon eclipsed the sun as it set over the Andes Mountains the afternoon of July 2, 2019. 


Jeff Holt:  I am an amateur drone pilot. I shot this footage at the end of March / early April during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. As a novice pilot, I only fly my drone over parks, forests, water and deserted cities...

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Confinement Artwork

Gwenaelle Geleoc: Picasso said that “Art washes away from the soul, the dust of everyday life”. I am using art to wash away the dust and free my mind from confinement.

Rett Syndrome Awareness

Jeff Holt:  A Boston Children's Hospital colleague, Michela Fagiolini, asked me to make a drone video. Michela studys Rett Syndrome, a rare neurodevelopmental disorder that affects 1 in 10,000 children, mostly girls. To raise awareness, Michela and the Rett Syndrome Association of Massachusetts, convinced city leaders to illuminate several Boston landmarks in purple and blue. I filmed and edited this one-minute video to showcase their efforts and help raise awareness. - Jeff​

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A Walk in the Park

Graduate student, Hannah Goldberg, was recently out for a walk with her dog Olive.  Hannah told Olive to go fetch the hair cell transduction channel.  Look what Olive found.  Good dog!

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Orion Nebula

Jeff Holt:  If I wasn't a neuroscientist, plan B was to

be an astronomer.  The night

sky and astrophotography

have long been passions of

mine.  The night of Jan 30,

2021, I captured this image of the Orion Nebula.

Bode's Galaxy
Jeff Holt:  This is an image I shot of Bode's Galaxy.  I animated the still image to simulate the rotation of the galaxy.  Galaxies typically complete one rotation every 200 million to a billion years.  

 2018 by Holt/Géléoc Lab
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