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Meetings and Presentations

Night at the Museum - Cambridge, MA

Jeff's Seminar at Columbia University in New York

Jeff visits Columbia University, Department of Physiology and Biophysics and long-time grad school friend, Henry Colecraft. 

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IEB, September, 2023 - London

Holt/Geleoc Lab members participated in a public event at the Harvard Science Museum focused on the senses.  Our team presented mini-lectures, displays and other information on hearing, balance and emerging therapies for inner ear disorders.  

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Lab folks in London:  Jeff, Olga, Thilbault, Stephanie, Chloe & Gwen


The Ashmorians:  Jonanthan, Gwen, Danny & Jonathan G.

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Jeff & Ian Russell sporting

official conference attire. 

Gwen presents at The Future of Hearing Workshop,
             April, 2023 - Hannover, Germany

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ARO, February, 2023 - Orlando, Florida


Irina presents her poster for 

Robert Fettiplace. 


Wang presents to a captivated audience. 


Stephanie discusses her data

with ARO attendees

Evan speaks about vestibular gene therapy

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Gwen and Jeff present Elisabeth Glowatzki with the ARO Pioneer Award.  Congrats Elisabeth!

 2018 by Holt/Géléoc Lab
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